Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Bible Woot Woot!

(Saabatical Bible?, Elie Saab?)
(Balmain bible?)
( I decide what I would look like on
(Rachel and Jacob, Dinah's father. Loving the blue&red.)
(Rebecca, Dinah's grandmother, with a guy I don't know of, in stunning white folds)
(The cover of The Red Tent, a masterpiece in itself)

So remember Rebecca, Esau, Jacob, and Rachel? Well they were the first Comme des Garcons-ers.

I’d just finished The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, who lives happens to actually live within a couple meters of my school.
A great adult friend of mine told me that she’d met Diamant, a great person who wrote the book (centered around Jacob’s only surviving daughter, Dinah, who appears in the violent scene where Jacob and his male heirs murdered the whole city of Shechem, accusing the prince of raping Dinah) because she just didn’t think that Dinah was raped-she believed that the prince and Dinah really loved each other.

Dinah as an adolescent is portrayed in the classical way, like Holden of The Catcher in the Rye, Peekay in The Power of One, and countless others. I’m not religious, and I understand the complexity of the different religions and schisms through my friends, but I love this portrayal because it is so real; I can connect her to a sensitive depressed teen, and a boy who gains strength through wrestling.

Diamant forms a character that is realistic, human, and most of all, charming. The general theme of the book is feminism, showing the true strength of women that have existed before the Common Era.
The book is called The Red Tent for a specific reason-it is in the red tent where Rachel, Dinah’s aunt stood up to her insane and greedy father, the place where all the women of the family gather and give each other strength.
All of the women way back in those days dressed simply, yet stunning.

The homemade dyeing and weaving makes the hues all natural, muted, and soft. The drape works perfect with the layering of blues and reds, and the soft shades.

These are the paintings of course. They’re better than Comme des Garcons (what? Is that actually possible?) in the sense that the attire is more natural, soft, and organic. Though I love Comme des Garcons with a lot of my mind, some of the pieces and looks are more chemical and unnatural in their method of drawing out emotions, and therefore not actually as genius as the women (or later painters) of BCE.

Note: If the book or my words offend yoru religion: then please forget my existence. I know this could be a delicate subject and some people dislike it interpreted like other literature.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I forgot to mention, if anyone has enough money to get those shoes-they're available at Etsy-Wolandandmoon,( and also, those pictures belong to her!

A floral surprise

Talk about surprise-

sedating myself on the internet, more accurately, surfing Etsy,(Actually the most addicting site ever) when I encounterd those handmade shoes. After my first instant of emotions, I saw the shoes on Tavi (Style Rookie) and therefore emailed her the links. Turns out, she likes them too.

The shoes are not beautiful, and not made to make you look beautiful either; They are absolutely stunning. The designs are mostly floral, and are kind of enrapturing, I saw it as a mix of brilliance and surprise, wondering what it is, really. I really want the first shoes, but because I’m still scraping up for some brogues, these shoes priced at an average of $400 aren’t going to make my shopping list yet.

I still have exams, or more accurately a half exam left over. Wish me luck people.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Literary characters======inspiration

I feel like I’m like a fake sometimes because people like Tavi get inspired from what we are supposed to-fashion and fashion shows. I love the shows but really don’t pay attention to them while shopping and getting dressed. I like to look at historical figures, movies, book character, and literary people that are just so amazing.

You know why? The models that walk on the runway are characters without voice-you don’t know about them or the character they’re playing, you can imagine, but it isn’t as compelling. The characters in literature are true, and echo voice.

They are way easier to comprehend, and the make you feel stronger emotions. I’m currently sort of enthralled with the emotional values of dark shades with cloak-tights silhouette, such as shown by Dakota Fanning in New Moon and Alan Rickman in the Harry Potter series.

Severus Snape from Twlight: J.K Rowling teaches readers that love is the ultimate power, it defeats death, evil, and hate. It is the most powerful emotion of all; an ancient magic. Torn by the death of the one woman he truly loved, Severus Snape did everything that Dumbledore told him to that would make sure she did not die in vain.

He protected the son of a man who bullied him in childhood and married the woman he truly loved. He could’ve easily avenge by doing something horrible to Harry, but kept it only to snide comments and bad grades. He got hurt, and stayed in the game until dying from the duties Dumbledore bestowed on him, but not before succeeding in protecting Harry. Snape is the strongest example of this classical lesson.

Harry’s mother died in protecting him, understandably, for she is his mother. Snape risked his life, and really gave his life in protecting her son with another man, ultimately showing that true love has ultimate power.

Although lacking in emotions, once Jane was introduced in New Moon, it is undeniable that she lacks nothing in the field of power. Her ability to control the inner thoughts of people is a talent shared for few people.

She abuses her ability to survive. Dakota Fanning wears somber dark colors, reminiscent of a strict Catholic school. But the collar-a twist and curl of peplum, is what completes the outfit. When Jane laughs, the laugh is described as “bubbling,” and her smile is angelic. This wasn’t actually portrayed in the movie-Fanning’s thick eyeliner was more menacing.

Both Snape and Jane are inhabitants of the surreal literary world. They dress in their somber black, hiding mysteriously. We are unable to decipher their truths, until perhaps The End.