Saturday, January 29, 2011

Because there's a spark in you.

pants: Issey Miyake fall/winter 2010--------There's some math going on in there.

When you went to school/right now you are in school. . .Did you realize that chemistry is a bitch and math is not so much?


  1. Oh those pants! I have been drooling over Marc Jacob's high-waisted purple pants for some time, but these are equally drool-worthy...Glad I found your blog!

  2. Love this look! And omg I HATED chemistry with such a passion. My dad is a scientist, so he forced me to take Chemistry AP in high school and Chemistry Honors in college. I'll be thankful if I never see the periodic table ever again. Ha! ;)

  3. I am a sucker for maths!
    I don't even know what chemistry looks like.
    I possibly can't get past it at all!
    I <3 Maths!
    Thanks for the Inspiration.
